Saturday, January 9, 2010

1.9.10 – Winter Blues

I’m very tired these days, probably due to the cold, the snow, and the darkness. I’m taking vitamins, exercising, and meditating, but still find myself a bit woozy at the end of the day, wishing winter would be over.


  1. Hi!
    I was idly wandering around blogspot, checking out bloggers who'd listed "The Lives of Others" among their favorites.
    What a great idea to do a movie a day. The ones I watched are inspiring--like looking at an artist's sketchbook. (And can I borrow your mantra, "What to do? What to do? What to do?")

    I bought a videocam a year and half ago and jumped in the deep end, making an 8-minute movie (took about a year, what with one thing and another). Now I want to dabble my toes in the kiddie pool: have some fun, learn some basics I totally overlooked, and not have to worry about feeding everyone helping out.
    So--thank you very much for the idea, which I hope to try out myself sometime soon (maybe not one a day, but the general "sketchbook" idea.)

  2. Hi Fresca,

    Thanks for watching and leaving a comment. Feel free to borrow the mantra, as I think it's how we all feel these days.

    Doing the daily movies does take some time, but it's also very freeing in that it's a daily ritual for me. Most days it serves as a pep talk to myself, but in a very public way. I highly recommend it.

