Saturday, January 23, 2010

1.23.10 – Coherence Returning

The upside to having chronic back pain issues and having been in several car accidents, is that you know what to do right away. I now know to ice myself and where. I’ve also acquired other alternative approaches that have helped things from getting worse. I am still in pain and having issues, but am beginning to feel my coherence flying back to me. Believe me, I need its return.


  1. That sound effect is very strong. (A little frightening? I heard it as the opening helicopters in "Apocalypse Now," but that's just me.)

    I think of something I read in Julia Child's memoirs "My Life in France." She relates that her husband Paul, said that suffering is an art, the same as cooking is an art... One learns, hopefully, how to pluck, clean, and cook it?

  2. I probably do overdramatize things at times, but when the pain really gets to me, it's as though my mind is truly gone. The sound effect was from i-movie's list. I try to use their effects or music as much as possible, as it's royalty-free (even though I'm clearly not making money off these movies) and it's easier.

    I've certainly grown more aware of my body in this last year and a half due to the accidents, and have been forced to do things that I needed to do (like Tai Chi), but kept putting off doing. Sometimes you do need that kick in the butt to get things done. I just wish it wasn't such a hard kick.
