Saturday, January 16, 2010

1.16.10 – Into the Light

I’m a sarcastic and cynical person by nature, and have probably more than a touch of depressive tendencies. It’s hard to be optimistic, especially when you’re in a great deal of pain, but I find I’m more and more compelled to drag myself kicking and screaming, if need be, into the light, into optimism. It’s as though I know that if I let myself get in that dark place, it will be too hard to get out again.


  1. I like this film of light and dark; but I am sorry you are in pain.

    I wouldn't have guesses you were sarcastic/cynical from you movies here --not that I've watched all of them, but they feel open-hearted to me.
    Maybe I just read that into them?
    The very act of creation is such a positive act, even if the "product" itself is not, that I think I may read a cheerfulness into even dark or angry art---I probably overlay this reaction: "Oh how wonderful! They made art!"

  2. Fresca,

    I think I come to these videos the same way I used to do morning pages -- they're more pep talks for me than ways to vent. Sometimes it hard not to let things get to you, but I try to remember what someone told me once about if you died in the next moment, what would you want your last thought to be. I wouldn't want it to be on the things that aggravate me, but rather on the things that matter.

