Sunday, January 17, 2010

1.17.10 – Advice

The down side of having an illness or injury, beside the pain, is that everyone always wants to tell you what worked for them, or their friend, or their neighbor’s uncle. Rarely will it have any bearing on you. It probably didn’t even help the said person.

I have a problem lower disc and a floating vertebrae, due to a car accident, that on occasion misbehave, get inflamed, and press on various nerves, causing a great variety of unpleasantness. Often I can go for quite a while feeling fine, and then, sometimes for no reason that I can discern, trouble hits. This week the pressing was on the sciatic nerve, and was very, very awful. The real problem is you don’t always realize what’s actually going on. I thought at first I somehow pulled something in my right leg, as I couldn’t seem to walk on it and it was excruciatingly painful, but that was not the case.

I’ve had reiki, acupuncture, and cortisone shots thrown at me as potential ideas this week, none of which sounded right. My one friend, who has back trouble himself, recommended I lie on the floor with my legs up on a couch or table. For a while this felt good, but I think I stayed on the floor too long (everything in moderation) and the lower back is a little tender again. Still, it did give me an interesting view out my office window, which I probably would not have noticed otherwise.


  1. I notice that a lot of your videos are actually stills. Really like paintings. Any reason for this? It is using the video with its 3D advantages as a 2D format. There is nothing at fault here; just an observation.

  2. A.C.,

    I'm not quite sure. I suppose I see things at times more as still moments than fluid moving pictures. I also want to stop things from moving to have more control over them (one of my many issues).

    It has been something I've thought about more through a discussion I had with another blogger, who I admitted that a number of my videos are taken with a digital still camera. The FLIP lens doesn't always give me the outcome I desire and I feel the final product is more important than the tools used.

    In this world we're in where I'm constantly getting motion sickness when I go to the movie theatre, something still, that can be contemplated, is probably exactly what I need at the end of the day.

    Thanks for the comment.

