Thursday, January 14, 2010

1.14.10 – Real Work

I had an appointment with my dentist this morning. I’d been putting it off, but luckily there were no problems with my teeth, however, I do think it’s time I find a new dentist. Between the aggravations of parking at his office near the local university’s campus, his unpleasant receptionist, and his own narrow-minded rudeness, it’s definitely time for a change.

The comment that bothered me was his asking me what I was doing (i.e. where am I working). Before I could answer he responded that last time I was there I “wasn’t doing real work.” This caused me to raise my eyebrows and tell him that I was working or else I wouldn’t be able to afford the visit, as no on is supporting. He tried to, badly, smooth it away by saying that I had been working in a bunch of places back then. That is still the case, so I found a way to get the conversation to a close, so I could get out of there as quickly as possible.

I spent as long as I could in school, and then worked full-time as a non-profit fundraiser for ten years until I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I’m not currently full-time at one place, but probably am busier than when I was, as I’m on the run a lot. This is at times precarious, but I don’t think I could go back to my old life, being stuck in one place all the time. I need variety and I need flexibility, plus I no longer have any tolerance for the standard office b.s. anymore. A friend and a freelance employee, who did work for me at my last full-time job, often commented that the most useless meetings offered the best snacks. As much as I’d like the best snacks, they are not worth the useless meetings.

This life does have its sacrifices, that I sometimes wonder if its worth it, but the more I think about going back to what my dentist would consider “real work,” I know I made the right decision. Anyone know of a good dentist in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area?


  1. I laughed at the inverse ratio of snack-quality to meeting-meaning.

    I love photos of people's desks, almost as much as bookshelves, even though now all the goodies are piled up inside the computer.

    "Real" work, as far as I'm concerned, is work I love. (Alas, this rarely pays "real" money, but...)

  2. I do have to admit I removed the stack of papers that were to the left of the computer. I've never been a fan of reality.

    I agree with you that real work is work you love, otherwise, what's the point.
