Friday, December 25, 2009

12.25.09 – Transformation

I watched the movie, Julie and Julia today. I read the book around the time it came out and had followed Julie Powell’s blog story, yet I seemed to forget about it as I began my own blog.

In many ways I was reminded how similar our stories are. She was turning 30, frustrated with her life and career, and needed something to focus her creative talents on on a daily basis. While I wasn’t consciously thinking of my impending birthday in September when I started the blog, it surely was in the back of my mind, where I kept pushing it. (I turned the next momentous birthday, although I still can’t say it out loud or see it in print. I’ve decided I will be 38 perpetually. It’s not too old, not too young, and as a number of people have thought me much younger, I hope to be able to claim that age for some time.) I also needed a daily regimen for my art before the depression I was sinking into about the state of my life took hold.

What I thought would just be a good exercise to keep the creative muscles in shape, has been so much more than that. I seemed incapable of just throwing up video clips without commenting on them or writing about their significance to me, and through that I think I’m becoming more of who I always was down deep, but who I had kept under lock and key. These last few months have been quite transformative and I look forward to the next months ahead.

Today I will share with you more of the quite humorous Gingerbread Project (you may read some of the previous blog entries to learn more about this), which served as an interesting experiment, as well as a wonderful way to make me forget about the birthday that I really wasn’t looking forward to. It’s not that the actual number itself is so awful, but I truly had hoped I’d be living a much more grand and exciting life at this time in my life. On the other hand, I think back to the state of things for me several years ago, and I am in such a better place and do see hope in site, so that is a great comfort. Also, spending the weekend with a friend, both laughing and cursing, engrossed in a project, is not a bad way to spend your birthday and sums up the best aspects of the holiday season.

There is cursing in the clip, so viewers be advised.

1 comment:

  1. That was excellent, and the music was wonderful! You should do projects like making a gingerbread house more often.
