Sunday, December 13, 2009

12.13.09 – Rings of Age

I was at a musical today at a local university, watching a friend’s daughter perform. Waiting after the show to congratulate her, I began observing the other students and listening in to their conversations. They all seemed so fresh and unjaded, and the most they seemed to have to worry about this week was a final exam or two. I found it amusing, but I wasn’t envious. As much as getting older bothers me, and this time year -- near year’s end -- especially depresses me, I wouldn’t want to be them. Somehow the motto if I knew then what I know now wouldn’t help me because I think knowing how unimportant what I thought was so important might cause me to do things differently. Yes, I probably would make better decisions and wouldn’t have had nearly the amount of heartache, but I don’t think I would have learned as much. It’s as though you need the pain of real experience to get to the next stage of your life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Yes I think you are right about this time of the year, and the wisdom to know our selves as well as we have during the course of our existence.

    Thanks for the rings...

