Sunday, April 25, 2010

4.25.10 – Far from the maddening crowd

I keep getting more and more perplexed about the current political situation. All the polls show that the Tea Party members are white males living in the South and measure a paltry number, yet the media keeps making them out to be this huge movement. The polls also show that the majority are either retired or have good incomes, yet, again, the media showcases their unemployed and, lets just say, not mentally sound individuals.

This is nothing new – the media always highlights the loudest and craziest person. What really worries me is that this will make us dismiss the whole group as crazies and assume that sane people will realize what they are. This could allow the more nasty among them, who seem clean and sane on the surface, to get past people and maybe even get into office, bringing about their very warped views on the world.