Monday, June 28, 2010

6.28.10 – Patience

I remember being very excited as a child whenever we’d have to stop for a train to pass. The longer the better back then. That’s not quite my feeling now. It’s very much an annoyance whenever I have to stop for a train. Sometimes I can figure a way around. This train track near my workplace is not in that category. I’ve spent a whole lot of time getting very lost and turned around, so I’ve finally given up and decided to be patient and wait for the train to go by. Patience seems to be one of my life lessons during this lifetime.

p.s. If you have a new silver Mercedes with Ohio nature bird plates and tinted windows, and were driving near the stadiums in Cincinnati tonight, I have a question for you. Were you:
a. high
b. drunk
c. never taught to drive
d. too busy texting to watch the road
e. an asshole

Clearly more lessons in patience...


  1. Does it help with patience if every moment is possibly art?

    You make me want a Flip camera for unplanned stuff like this train.
    My videocamera isn't all that big, but too cumbebrsome to haul around all the time. Maybe it's just as well: I'd never look at anything without thinking about filming it again.

  2. Sometimes it does help with patience, as I'll notice something interesting to film while I'm waiting. I do love that I can fit the Flip in my purse (although it does make it heavier), which I can't do with the camera I use for documentary work.

    It makes me feel I'm always ready to shoot. Certainly takes the excuses away.
