Thursday, February 4, 2010

2.4.10 – Taking a Rest

We’re preparing for another round of “white death” here in the Cincinnati area. People outside the region can’t fathom how insane residents get when snow hits this part of the country. It’s as though they have never seen snow and ice before, even though we get it at least a few times a year.

The last burst hit almost a month ago. I ended up doing umpteen things in my home instead of resting, which I think began to irritate my back and made me weaker. I don’t want that again, so I’ve decided I will lie on the couch and read and enjoy the needed respite.


  1. This is rather like porn for book-lovers! : )

  2. And here I thought I had no adult content on my site. : )

    I'm going to have to watch that Francis Bacon movie again.
