Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2.2.10 – Addiction

The Oscar nominations came out today. For a film addict like myself it should be an exciting day, yet I find I’ve been far less than excited about most of the recent films this past year. I managed to completely forget to watch the Golden Globes and wasn’t very upset about it, as I hadn’t seen most of the film.

I still watch a great deal of films, an extremely wide and perplexing variety, but rarely new films these days. I usually think about it; then decide to save the money and wait for them to hit DVD so I can check them out at the library. Libraries have been a lifesaver during these hard economic times, at least for me. At my local library, the librarians go get my holds as soon as they see me enter, which is a true sign of addiction, that, and getting excited when they raised the limit as far as how many movies you can check out at one time.

This is just a sampling of what I have this week. Next week will look completely different.


  1. The library DVD collection has been great for getting me to watch movies I wouldn't otherwise--especially the old or weird ones that are all that's left in the bins...

    But recently, I've also been trying out odds and ends streaming from Netflix--if I don't like one, it's no trouble simply to switch to another.
    So, last night I watched part of the gorgeously filmed "Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon" (1998).

    I didn't finish it, as it's a very pain-full movie ( the physical pleasure of pain is OK, but worse, here, to witness is the emotional pain);
    but it inspired me---and I thought of you too---as there are lots of shots of things---the opening shot is a close-up of a key turning in a doorlock...
    Made me want to get back to my micromovies!

    Oh yeah, about those Oscar nominations... I must be out of it?

  2. I also watch movies I probably wouldn't see otherwise, as each library in my area has such different collections and since it's free, why not check them out!

    I saw that Francis Bacon film years ago also through Netflix, but the DVD was scratched, so I couldn't watch all of it. I seem to remember it being both disturbing and hypnotic.

    I'm really baffled at the Oscar nominations. If they're going to add five more films, I wish they would have added better ones, but I guess those wouldn't bring in the ratings...
