Friday, July 9, 2010

7.9.10 – Trying to let go

My mind has managed to do away with the few good times I had as a child with my family. Now if I can just let go of all the bad times I do still remember...


  1. I just read something (in Scientific American Mind?) about how we respond more strongly to scary words (e.g. war) than friendly ones (e.g. peace).
    An evolutionary advantage to pay more attention to danger?

    Anyway, I wonder if that helps explain why the bad stuff is so much more sticky, like tar in the emotional memory...
    (I guess I could comment on FB now, but I still prefer blogs, at least for serious stuff.... Do you have a preference?)

  2. Certainly makes sense, as pain (or fear of it) stays with you longer than pleasure.

    I think "tar" is the best description of such stuff.

    Commenting here or at FB is most appreciated.

    Thanks, Fresca.
